
Along my reading journey, I’ve made a conscious decision to not only read the books on the shelves at my local Barnes and Nobles store, but to also try self-published, or indie, works as often as I can.

Now, I know several of you are snickering in the background or rolling your eyes at my idiot crusade to bring a few good indie works to light. And believe me, I understand why you’d do that. Several years into this, I have to admit that I’ve probably stopped reading more indie faire than I’ve finished. But those that did keep my attention were novels which I feel were — or had the potential to be — above average novels, and I’d like to occasionally share those few with you in the hope that other people might also discover them.

So without any Stephen King disclaimers (Read my review of The Dark Tower Book VII to get the joke), here is The Delphi Trilogy!
League of Delphi
This is a young adult page-turner drenched in ancient Greek legends, but not the Percy Jackson variety. Nope, Mr. Everheart has crafted something entirely fresh and original here. A new concoction in the YA genre that is full of both suspense and mysterious conspiracies!

As the story begins, Zachary White is a 16 year old boy searching for something. He doesn’t know what, just that he has to uncover the why.

Why did his perfect childhood come to an end one dark night?

Why did he and his mother flee from the idyllic town of Arcanville, never to return?
Delphi Deception

Why did he spend the rest of his childhood in French boarding schools under assumed names?

Why did his mother hardly ever visit him before her untimely death?

And why has he always been warned never to return to Arcanville, no matter what?

Soon, Zach’s grief at his mother death gels into a deep resolve. A determination to uncover all the whys, to finally understand the truths hidden by a mother who abandoned him for most of his life.
delphi revelation
Not long thereafter, the teenagers in Arcanville notice that a strange kid is working in the local coffee shop. None of them recall ever seeing this guy before. He stays to himself, never talks to very many people, but he always seems to be watching, observing those customers who are sipping their steaming cups of java as they casually talk to one another. His eyes and ears capturing every detail of their small town life, as if his very existence depended on it!

And then it happens — a teenager from a rich, influential family commits suicide. Or does he?

From this moody, suspenseful beginning, Chris Everheart takes his readers on a ride among dark mysteries, global conspiracies, ancient Greek prophecies, and (of course) teen love that will leave them wanting more. At least, it did me, and young adult isn’t usually my favorite genre.

See my reviews of the trilogy.
The League of Delphi Book #1
The Delphi Deception Book #2
The Delphi Revelation Book #3

Buy the novels at Amazon.

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