
Today, the guys in the Goodreads Top 5 Wednesday group had a great topic: Favorite Character Names!  A topic which would seem to be fairly simple until you start trying to narrow that list down to a top five.  But I’ve tried to do so, and here are my top five.  What are yours?

robert-baratheon-vs-rhaegar-targaryen5. ROBERT BARATHEON

I don’t know exactly why, but Robert Baratheon has a certain ring to it.  To my ears, it sounds like the name of a king.  Someone who took the throne in Westeros by force of will and his strong arm.  That is why when Robert totally lets himself go as he ages he still can maintain a presence even though he is far from intimidating anymore.  At least, that is my thoughts on the matter, and it is why Robert Baratheon is my favorite name in A Game of Thrones.




time of the dark4. INGOLD INGLORION

This beer guzzling, smart ass wizard from another world in Barbara Hambly’s Darwath is the bearer of one of my favorite fantasy names: Ingold Inglorion.  It just flows off the tongue, doesn’t it?  Very similar yet distinct enough not to tie your tongue up saying it.  Plus it fits this character who is reminiscent but very different from the other staff wielding, grey beard wizard from that other fantasy trilogy (Yeah, Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.)  Perhaps, it is nothing more than I like Ingold, so I also like the name.  Maybe, but I still like it though.





To do this name justice, I’ll let you hear the character himself use his full name and title in one of the pivotal scenes in Knight’s Shadow, the second installment of the Greatcoats.






How can any list of best fantasy names not have a Baggins on it?  I know, it has to be a requirement or something for The Lord of the Rings to be on every fantasy list.  Honestly, though, Bilbo Baggins instantly makes me feel like I’m walking with a hobbit in Hobbiton to the Green Dragon Inn to drink a bit, and that is why I love the name.




I’ve admitted over and over again that I have a huge crush on Lady.  She is dangerous, devious, beautiful, powerful, wise, and loyal to Croaker (if no one else).  So does it come as any surprise that her name is a fantasy favorite of mine?  Probably not, because, in my eyes, she is indeed a Lady who you do not wanted to fuck with.


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  1. Some great choices and that’s a quality way to describe Lady! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Falcio Val Mond is one of the coolest names ever. Though after reading the second book and all the stories of “Falsio dal Vond” etc. I realized I’d been saying it wrong all this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jamie Wu says:

    Some of the ASOIAF last names are pretty nice. Baratheon, Targaryen, Lannister. Personally I like the name Rhaegar Targaryen a lot. Helps that the character with that name is a pretty awesome guy too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love a lot of Tolkien’s character names: Bilbo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrine Took, Arwen Evenstar and Tom Bombadil 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great list! I love the name Robert Baratheon as well- but I do love all the names in Game of Thrones. And I agree Bilbo Baggins is the perfect name for a hobbit!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jess I. says:

    I haven’t really thought about character names, but I can see your admiration for some of these! Fantasy names are no doubt the best; I love Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter and Cress from The Lunar Chronicles.

    Thanks for stopping by Princessica of Books!

    Liked by 1 person

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